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Ageing is a process of physical, psychological and social change in multi dimensional aspects. Geriatrics is a specialty branch of medicine that focuses on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. It differs from standard adult medicine because it focuses on the unique needs of the elderly person. The aged body is different physiologically from the younger adult body, Previous health issues and lifestyle choices produce a different constellation of diseases and symptoms in elderly people.
The cause of morbidity and mortality world over is shifting from communicable diseases, a few decades ago, to non-communicable diseases. The leading causes of mortality among aged people comprise respiratory problems, heart diseases, cancer and stroke. A significant cause of morbidity among this group is chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, psychiatric disorders, parkinson’s disease and age related urinary problems.
The biggest challenge with geriatric diseases is that in most of the cases the condition cannot be attributed to a single cause or in certain conditions of neuro-psychiatric disorders like, Senile dementia, Alzheimer’s depression, the structural cause is unknown. In such cases, the conventional medical therapy fails to come out with effective management plan and hence is severely compromised. Another challenge is lack of health-promoting agents.
Ayurveda on the other hand has interventions like Rejuvenation therapies and medicines that enhance physiological processes that influence metabolic and immunological status. Such interventions are significant in the context of geriatric care.
Ayurveda, the holistic health science has the potential for prevention of diseases by promotion of health and management of diseases occurring in old age. It has a focused branch called Rejuvenation (Rasayana) which deals with the problems related to ageing and methods to counter the same.
Geriatrics or Jarchikits! or Rasayana in Ayurveda is a unique therapeutic methodology to delay ageing and to minimize the intensity of problems occurring in this degenerative phase of one’s life.
Rasayana and Panchakarma (Rejuvenation and detoxification therapies) are normally advised during the degenerative phase, that start at around 45 yrs of age in both male and female. It recharges the whole metabolic process of the body by eliminating the toxins and by nourishing each and every cell of the body. These therapies prevent all degenerative diseases and promote health status of an individual.
Panchakarma is beneficial for preventive, curative and rejuvenative health purposes and management of various systemic diseases. It is also widely prescribed for improving the quality of life in various incurable diseases.

Besides Rasayana and Panchakarma therapies, various single and compound Ayurvedic formulations, dietary and life style guidelines, Yoga and meditation helps in the effective management of Geriatric conditions. Prevention and management of health problems could help the elderly to improve quality of life and remain self-dependant for their daily activities to maximum possible extent.

Dr.Mangesh Mudgal

Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya


Sagging or wrinkled skin occurs naturally, as you get older. Folds and fat deposits appear around the neck. Deep creases form between the nose and mouth. The jaw line grows “jowly” and slack.
Genes, poor diet, smoking, or obesity can make skin problems start sooner or get worse faster.

Aging of the face is most shown by a change in position of the deep anatomical structures. These lead up to landmarks namely
1. An appearance of the jowl; a broken jaw line by dropping of the platysma muscle (muscle of lower jaw).
2. Increased redundancy of the nasolabial folds (They are the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They separate the cheek from the upper lip) this caused by a descent of cheek fat.
3. Increased distance from the ciliary margin to the inferior-most point of the orbicularis oculi muscle (face muscle that closes the eyelids, surrounds the circumference of the orbit and spread over the temple and downward on the cheek). This caused by decreasing tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
4. The skin is a fourth component in the aging of the face.
A facelift can help repair some of the visible signs of aging. Fixing damage to skin, fat, and muscles can restore a “younger” look.

According to Ayurveda it happens as a result of vatta dosha aggravation, and imbalances in Pitta and kapha dosha.
Stress and modern lifestyles cause the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders to tighten and constrict leading to a restriction in supply of energy, oxygen and nutrients. The collagen and elastic fibers of the skin’s connective tissue become locked together, restricting the mobility of the facial muscles and giving a drawn appearance.

Available Treatment
There are multiple surgical techniques. It usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the re-draping of the skin on the patient’s face and neck.
Risks from any surgery are, Infections, A pocket of blood under the skin, Damage to the nerves that control muscles of the face (this is usually temporary), Wounds that do not heal well, Pain that does not go away, Numbness or other changes in skin sensation etc.
Poor cosmetic results that may need more surgery include unpleasant scarring, Unevenness of the face, Fluid that collects under the skin, Irregular skin shape, Changes in skin color etc.

Ayurvedic treatments used are natural and noninvasive:

Ayurvedic therapies used for facelift are-
1. Mookhalepa – Includes marma massage of the upper back, shoulder, neck, head and face where we hold tension more, especially the shoulders which reflect on the face. Followed by medicated steam and application of herbal paste over face and neck skin.
Maram Massage followed by medicated steam, releases energy blockages improves blood and lymph circulation allowing free flow around the body.

2. Virechana (Purgation) – Helps to Detoxify and rejuvenate whole body system, targets other diseases responsible for aging process, increases tone, luster and elasticity of the skin.
3. Ayurvedic diet as per body and skin type, etc.
Shirodhara therapy & Nasya therapy can also be used as per the need of the patient.
These treatments lead to increased tone of facial muscles giving a more lifted appearance, reduced sagginess, softening lines and reduced wrinkles. It stimulates and improves function of lymphatic system and immune system, improvement in blood flow, oxygen and nutrients leads to improved complexion and texture of skin. . The freeing of restrictions in the connective tissue allows the fibers to slide past each other freely, giving suppleness and flexibility to the face. Soothes away stress and tension, giving a sense of deep relaxation and well-being.

Dr.Mangesh Mudgal
Resident Doctor at Ayurveda Kenya


Abnormal cholesterol level—that is,higher concentrations of LDL (Bad cholesterol) and lower concentrations of HDL (Good cholesterol)—are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease like, Heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease.
As per Ayurvedic science unhealthy life style, improper diet and lack of physical exertion are among the major causative factors for abnormal cholesterol levels.
Case study-
A female patient known case of High cholesterol, Hypertension, Diabetes and obesity came with complaints of-
Uncontrolled high levels of cholesterol
Over weight
Swelling over both legs               – Sever breathlessness after brisk walk
Uncontrolled blood pressure  -Generalized weakness
Hyper acidity                                    – Indigestion
Palpitation                                          -Headaches
Dizziness                                             -Disturbed sleep

History of present illness
Patient had been suffering from above complaint for the last 3-4 yrs. Initially patient was kept on normal dosage of anti cholesterol medicine, to which she did not respond, doctor increased her medicines to max dosages. As patient was not responding to even higher dosage and being aware of adverse effects of these medications, she decided to take a second opinion and look into some different options.
Laboratory Investigations

Tests          Before Therapy        Normal range           After Therapy
HDL            2.31 mmol/L  N          1.68                               1.70 mmol/L
LDL             5.78 mmol/L            3.88                               2.5 mmol/L      N
TOTAL       9.35 mmol/L  H           5.17                               4.56 mmol/L   N
Triglycerides 2.76 mmol/L H     1.7                                  1.78 mmol/L   N

Keeping the severity of the disease in mind, specific Medicated enema therapy for 8 days was given, followed by Purgation therapy .Again lipid profile investigation was done; which has shown very promising results.
Symptoms like, swelling over both legs, Sever breathlessness after brisk walk, generalized weakness, Hyper acidity, Indigestion, Palpitation, Headaches, Dizziness, Disturbed sleep, disappeared completely during therapies. For the last 1 yr patient is maintaining normal cholesterol levels without taking any medication.
The three-fold approach of Ayurvedic science has prevented the onset of cardiovascular disorders, cured the disease and rejuvenated her whole body system. Like this, many other patients are getting benefits from our treatments.

Dr.Mangesh Mudgal
Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya


Osteoporosis meaning porous bones, a disease of bones leads to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone micro architecture deteriorates, and the amount and variety of proteins in bone is altered.

In Ayurveda osteoporosis is called as Asthishaya ( Asthi= bone and shaya= decrease) .i.e the condition in which there is decrease in bone tissue (Asthi dhatu) ,leading to undesirable effects.
Risk of osteoporosis can be avoided and can be cured in people with osteoporosis, with Ayurvedic treatments, which includes- Avoiding etiological factors, Proper diet, Panchakarma treatment, Oral medications and Rejuvenation.


A 65 Yrs old female patient came with complaints of, Lower back pain, Sometimes pain in Hip joints, Ribs Tremors in hands, Generalized weakness ,Indigestion, Skin rashes over lower extremities and Intermediately mild to moderate fever.
Osteoporosis itself has no specific symptoms; its main consequence is the increased risk of bone fractures. In this patient above symptoms were the results of inflamed joint capsules.
History of present illness– Patient had been suffering from Osteoporosis since 2008, while doing annual routine checkup Doctor had discovered osteoporotic changes in her Lumbar spine, Upper end of tibia (left) and patella (Knee cap).As patient was aware of conventional medicine treatments and consequences of the disease, she had decided to go for Ayurvedic treatments.
Lab tests- Bone mineral density test (BMD)–June 2008
Result Osteoporotic changes seen in lumbar spine, Upper end of the Left Tibia and patella.

Diagnosis– Osteoporosis

Treatment Given – Keeping disease condition in mind specific, medicated Enema (Basti) for 8 days was given, followed by oral medication for 1yr, Diet according to body type and Yoga.
Symptoms like Lower back pain, pain in Hip joint, Ribs Tremors in hands, generalized weakness and Indigestion went after couple of weeks of treatment. Again BMD was taken in Dec.2011 and the results were promising BMD was completely normal. Osteoporosis had been cured completely with Ayurvedic treatments.

Dr. Mangesh Mudgal
Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya


Ghee is a saturated fat – It is a saturated fat, yes, but with such a unique structure that it actually helps mobilize fats from stubborn fat areas of the body. Not a saturated fat like trans-fats in your biscuits, cakes, pizza, etc

Ghee is fattening – Ghee by nature is lipolytic, that in realty works to break down fat. This is due to its unique short chain fatty acid structure.

Ghee will increase cholesterol – Ghee reduces cholesterol by increasing contribution of lipids towards metabolism. Liver produces excess cholesterol under stress. Ghee helps you de-stress.

Ghee is harmful for heart – Rich in antioxidants, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and fat-soluble vitamins like A, E, D, Ghee has just what you need for a healthy heart.

Things we do not know about Cow’s Ghee
Ghee has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Other than helping you recover from sickness, it ensures that you do not fall sick.
The anti-oxidants in Ghee make it the miraculous anti-wrinkling and anti-aging therapy you were searching for.
Ghee is excellent for joint health as it lubricates and oxygenates them.
Ghee takes nutrients from your food and delivers them through fat permeable membranes like in the brain.
Ghee improves your satiety signal and ensures you eat the right amount of food.

Note- The ghee we are referring to is ghee made of Cow’s milk and not the Vanaspati ghee or Dalda.

Dr.Mangesh Mudgal
Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya


Hot flushes, or night sweats (if they happen at night) is a symptom of the changing hormone levels that is considered to be characteristic of menopause. It may begin to appear several years before menopause starts and last for years afterwards.

Hot flushes is a common symptom of menopause and pre-menopause, typically experienced as a feeling of intense heat with sweating and rapid heartbeat, and may typically last from two to thirty minutes for each occurrence. The sensation of heat usually begins in the face or chest, although it may appear elsewhere such as the back of the neck, and can spread throughout body.
Severe hot flashes can make it difficult to get proper sleep at night, which in turn can affect mood, impair concentration, and cause other physical problems.
From the Ayurvedic perspective, menopause marks the transition from the pitta phase of life to the vata phase of life. During the transition, imbalances in both Vata and Pitta may occur.

                                                              -Case Study-
A 48 yr old female patient came with complaints of -Over sweating specially at night for the last two months.
Sudden feeling of rise in body temperature
Disturbed sleep, Irritability
Weight gain,
Generalized weakness
Lack of interest for accustom work

History of present illness-
Patient has been suffering from above complaints for two months Initially the symptom s were not very frequent but recently had become an everyday issue, which had made her to see Gynecologist .Gynecologist diagnosed her as a case of menopausal hot flushes and prescribe her HRT medication. As patient was aware of adverse effect of HRT; like increased risk of breast cancer, Stroke, dementia and other potentially serious risks ,she decided to seek help from Ayurvedic medicine.
Drug History- Sleeping pills, HRT medicine
Considering hormonal imbalance (Pitta and Ama imbalance) in mind ,purgation therapy was given to the patient. During first seven days of purgation therapy ; when patient was on internal oliation symptoms like , over sweating especially at night ,sudden rise in body temperature and generalized weakness had shown improvement and after the eleven days of therapy almost all symptoms were gone, except slightly disturbed sleep and irritability, this was cured by Dhara therapy for 7 days.

Therapies along with oral medication have brought rejuvenation along with remarkable positive changes in her physical and mental well being.

Ayurvedic therapies not only cure hot flushes but also address other issues of menopause like Weight gain, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Premature aging etc.

Dr. Mangesh Mudgal
Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya