Hot flushes, or night sweats (if they happen at night) is a symptom of the changing hormone levels that is considered to be characteristic of menopause. It may begin to appear several years before menopause starts and last for years afterwards.

Hot flushes is a common symptom of menopause and pre-menopause, typically experienced as a feeling of intense heat with sweating and rapid heartbeat, and may typically last from two to thirty minutes for each occurrence. The sensation of heat usually begins in the face or chest, although it may appear elsewhere such as the back of the neck, and can spread throughout body.
Severe hot flashes can make it difficult to get proper sleep at night, which in turn can affect mood, impair concentration, and cause other physical problems.
From the Ayurvedic perspective, menopause marks the transition from the pitta phase of life to the vata phase of life. During the transition, imbalances in both Vata and Pitta may occur.

                                                              -Case Study-
A 48 yr old female patient came with complaints of -Over sweating specially at night for the last two months.
Sudden feeling of rise in body temperature
Disturbed sleep, Irritability
Weight gain,
Generalized weakness
Lack of interest for accustom work

History of present illness-
Patient has been suffering from above complaints for two months Initially the symptom s were not very frequent but recently had become an everyday issue, which had made her to see Gynecologist .Gynecologist diagnosed her as a case of menopausal hot flushes and prescribe her HRT medication. As patient was aware of adverse effect of HRT; like increased risk of breast cancer, Stroke, dementia and other potentially serious risks ,she decided to seek help from Ayurvedic medicine.
Drug History- Sleeping pills, HRT medicine
Considering hormonal imbalance (Pitta and Ama imbalance) in mind ,purgation therapy was given to the patient. During first seven days of purgation therapy ; when patient was on internal oliation symptoms like , over sweating especially at night ,sudden rise in body temperature and generalized weakness had shown improvement and after the eleven days of therapy almost all symptoms were gone, except slightly disturbed sleep and irritability, this was cured by Dhara therapy for 7 days.

Therapies along with oral medication have brought rejuvenation along with remarkable positive changes in her physical and mental well being.

Ayurvedic therapies not only cure hot flushes but also address other issues of menopause like Weight gain, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Premature aging etc.

Dr. Mangesh Mudgal
Resident doctor at Ayurveda Kenya