Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle for diabetic patients


Diabetes is one disease which can be severely aggravated by the wrong kind of diet and lifestyle. Hence Diet and lifestyle planning are the cornerstone of managing diabetes. 

Diet Planning

1. Eliminate all objects that contain sugar from diet, like wheat, rice, potato, sugar, sugar cane and its juice, jaggery, sweet fruits, etc.

2. Include at least one bitter dish in every meal

3. Should take Home-made cottage cheese and various forms of soured milk such as curd and butter milk. Reduce fats, especially butter and ghee from diet.

4. Take plenty of green vegetables.

  • Vegetables such as Bitter Gourd, string beans, cucumber, onion and garlic,
  • Seeds of bitter gourd & Fenugreek
  • Fruits such as Indian Gooseberry, jambul Fruit and Grapes
  • Grains like Bengal gram and black gram should be included in the diet.

5. Raw vegetables & herbs play a part in stimulating the pancreas and enhancing insulin production.

-Life style-

1. Avoid sleeping during daytime

2. Take extra care of your foot.

3. Should take adequate eye care as the disease in serious condition might affect the eye.

4. Should take care not to injure yourself as diabetic patients take time to heal. As a result, there is a possibility of the wound becoming septic .

5. Avoid smoking

  • Smokers with diabetes have an increased risk of the following:
  • Death, especially from heart attacks and strokes
  • High LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels
  • Worsened blood sugar controlled, compared to non-smokers
  • Nerve damage from diabetes
  • Kidney disease leading to dialysis
  • Foot ulcer and amputation of toes, feet or legs caused by peripheral vascular disease

6. Do exercise regularly
General exercise precautions —

  1. It is important to balance enthusiasm and common sense when beginning an exercise program. These precautions encourage patients to stay safe and ensure that exercise is productive.
  2. Wear well-fitting, protective footwear.
  3. Drink adequate liquids before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration, which can upset blood sugar levels.


Diabetics who use insulin should also:

  1. Measure blood sugar before, during, and after exercise to determine their body’s typical response to exercise. If the pre-exercise blood sugar reading is 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) or higher, exercise should be postponed until the level is under control.
  2. Choose an insulin injection site away from exercising muscles (for example, avoid the legs if running)
  3. Keeping rapidly absorbed carbohydrates on hand (glucose tablets, hard candies, or juice).
  4. Eat a snack 15 to 30 minutes before exercise, and again every 30 minutes during exercise.
  5. Eat a source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates (dried fruit) immediately after exercise. This will counter a post-exercise drop in blood sugar levels.