Category Archives: TREATMENTS

View a menu of our Ayurvedic Therapeutic regimes for the treatment of various conditions and ailments.

Plan Parenting hood with Ayurveda


‘Pregnancy should be by choice & not by chance ‘. It is a beautiful journey in a couple’s life. The couple should be prepared mentally & physically to welcome the unborn child, because the physical, mental and emotional health of parents is directly responsible for the health of a child in the womb. In addition, the surrounding environment, food, activities, exercise, thoughts in fact everything the mother is exposed to during the pregnancy directly affects the child in the womb.   Continue reading

Ayurvedic lifestyle modification program


At Ayurveda Kenya health and wellness Center, we believe that health is not merely the absence of disease, but has its true foundation in care and attention to the body, mind, emotion and spirit. When we pay attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us, we feel better, and in feeling better, we discover untapped energy that guides us to make new and better choices to improve the quality of our lives.  Continue reading


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