All posts by AyurvedaKenya

Partnership with GA (General Assurance)

GA Insurance Limited is pleased to announce its partnership with Ayurvedic Services Limited (Ayurveda Kenya), to provide alternative medicine in Nairobi payable under outpatient limit.

GA Medical Policy Holders can access the alternative medicine @25 First Parklands Avenue, Nairobi. Tel: +254 20 253 1077.

Ayurvedic Services Limited (Ayurveda Kenya) offers treatments for various diseases like:
ü Gout  Stress  Infertility
ü Arthritis  Diabetes and its  Menstrual  Osteoporosis complications cyclerelated disorders  Spondylitis  Depression  Menopause related  Spine disease  Sinusi tis issues
ü Hypertension  Migraine headaches  Kidney diseases  High cholesterol  Skin disease  Hyperacidity  Obesity  Sex related diseases  Insomnia

Main Exclusion

• Garbha Sanskar
(for couples planning to conceive, to aid natural pain free birth and birth of a healthy baby with enhanced intelligence and senses)
• Rejuvenation and detoxification program
• Stress management program
• Corporate wellness program
• Therapeutic Yoga program for specific diseases

• Claims on reimbursement basis only Promotion up to
• Consultation limited to Ksh 4,000/= 31/12/2021
• Treatment cost payable @80%

Ayurveda is not simply a health care system but a form of lifestyle adopted to maintain perfect balance and harmony within the human existence.

Terms and conditions apply | | 0709 626 000

Review of # detox treatment at #Ayurvedic Services Limited

When I first went in to consult Dr. Walia I was at my wits end. Perennially #fatigued, no appetite, terrible eating habits and feeling bloated and constipated constantly. I also had frequent sugar cravings and had no energy and motivation for anything.

After consultation we decided to begin with the #Panchakama detox program (Virechna) to balance my energies and interestingly just two days in, I began getting increased bowel movements as though my body was happy about the decision and determined to purge the toxins with gusto!

Towards the end of the program till now about 2 Weeks after my purgation, I have the energy of a teenager. My appetite is back, bowel movements regular and no more feeling bloated. When my period came again I was surprised, I wasn’t lethargic as usual but really #energetic and full of life. My colleagues have been asking me where the energy is all coming from as being end of year everyone is tired and just wants to go for Christmas and recharge yet here I am full of energy without having gone on leave.

The icing on the cake is the #weight loss. I was reluctant to weigh in at the end of the program because it was during my period when I would have added weight usually .However to my utter shock and amazement I had lost 7kgs 🤩. I am really grateful to Dr. Walia and her staff for the professional and kind manner they handled me and compared to many other medical professionals who leave one feeling processed.

She really listened to me, understood my issues and I felt that she genuinely cared. She has educated me on #lifestyle choices I needed to make so I don’t end up in the same place and I feel really empowered compared to the helplessness I felt before.

Thank you so much Daktari, I’m so blessed that our paths crossed.

Kind regards,

Anne – Marie December 17th 2020

A Case study on Post Cancer Surgery#

65 years old Joyce had tumors# on her thighs that were identified as Cancerous and were removed surgically followed by Chemotherapy and radiation. She was anemic and had blood transfusion.

That was in 2010.

Ten years later, In January 2020, another growth was removed from stomach to be followed by Chemotherapy. She was weak and was afraid to go through the Chemo again. She also had tumors coming up on both arms. She was not able to digest her food. Immediately after meals, she used to vomit or visit the toilet.

She decided to look for an alternative and visited Ayurvedakenya Clinic on 10th June, 2020.

She still had some minor residues in her stomach. She was constantly coughing, had pain, could not sleep and had to visit the washroom frequently due to the urge to urinate. She had two tumors on both her arms that also required surgery. She had been given different medicines for her cough but nothing had succeeded in reducing the constant cough.

Obviously, her energy level was very low. She was weak and afraid.

At our Clinic, to start with, she was given life style and diet guidance#. She started her 2 therapies from 22nd June. Basti to detox# and Abhyanga# to strengthen her as well as to balance her Dosha. These therapies were for eight days for more than two hours at our Clinic. Rotary Cancer Committee# contributed 50% for her Basti (Detox) therapy.

Next day, she reported having slept better and improved energy. She started showing improvement with each passing day.

Herbal pastes were applied on the tumors on her arms. The small tumor on her left arm subsided very soon. The larger tumor on her right arm started showing signs of shrinking.

She is still under our supervision but has improved considerably. Able to take long walks and deep breathing exercises. She eats well and sleeps for 8 hours. Her cough has almost gone.

Dr. S.Walia
Ph. +254 20 2531077

Ayurveda’s immunity boosting measures for self-care and prevention during COVID 19 crisis

1. Drink warm water throughout the day
2. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayam (deep breathing, nadi shodhan and Kapal bharti), Meditation for at
least 30 minutes.
3. Make herbal decoction with fresh ginger, fresh turmeric and tulsi leaves (holy sage) in equal proportion of
20 grams each. Boil in 300 ml. water until reduced to half. Drink one tablespoon daily.
4. Drink ½ teaspoon of Turmeric powder in one cup of hot milk once or twice a day.
5. Gargle with one teaspoon of rock salt in 200 ml. warm water after each meal.
6. Keep your nostrils clean with some warm salt water or apply warm mustard oil/sesame oil to nostrils.
7. Swish one tablespoon of warm mustard oil or Coconut oil once a day to protect your teeth and mouth from
bacteria. Rotate in your mouth for 2-3 minutes and spit. Do not swallow.
8. High Pitta persons, if no.3 and 4 cause acidity, discontinue.
9. Eat healthy. Add raw vegetables and fruits to your daily diet.
10. Steam inhalation with mint or tulsi or neem leaves once a day or soon after returning home.

These are preventive measures but if you find symptoms of cold or cough, contact us for plant based Ayurveda medicines and guidance.

Those suffering from persistent cold/cough/sore throat/running nose that have become chronic, contact us for treatment. The causative factor may be allergies, Low immunity, Deviated Nasal Septum, accumulation of long term toxins in the body or nasal polyps that can be treated with Ayurveda Panchakarma therapies.

Call us for appointment at + 254 20 253 1077. We are open from 8.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the current Lockdown period.



My name is Simon Otieno, Kenyan aged 43 and early this year I was diagnosed with high blood sugars or Diabetes mellitus(DM).

On the 11th march 2019 I visited Ayurvedic services ltd clinic in Parkland area of Nairobi and was requested to provide tests on various items as was indicated by the doctor.
On the 21st march 2019, I provided the test result and it was notable that the fasting blood sugar at the time was 28 and I was suffering the following symptoms;
1. Frequent urination at night maybe about ten toilet visits between 10pm and 5 am
2. Thirst for water or dry mouth
3. Fatigue
4. Headaches
5. Numbness on tips of my fingers

The Doctor prescribed some medication for me and after using these to date my blood sugar has lowered to about 10 for fasting blood sugar. This was made possible by also eating low sugar foods and at the right times. Doctor advised me to take the specific foods and avoid that would aggravate the blood sugar. I was also advised on my life style modification to meet the requirements of my body type (Dosha). I was advised on doing physical exercise to encourage utilization of sugar.

Most of the above mentioned symptoms have drastically reduced. For instance, now night toilet visits are down to about 3, no thirst or dry mouth, I feel stronger and no more headaches. The finger tips now feel warm.
This is my testimony at the moment, 5 months after I started my journey with Ayurveda and the effectiveness of medication and advise provided by the Ayurvedic services Ltd.

GA is the first Kenyan Insurance Company to recognize Ayurvedakenya

GA Insurance Limited is pleased to announce its partnership with Ayurvedic Services Limited (Ayurveda Kenya), providing alternative health service for the past 11 years in Nairobi. Our existing as well as the Medical Policy Holders can avail the alternative medicine through Ayurvedic Services Ltd. Nairobi, Kenya @ 25 First Parklands Avenue, Nairobi. Contact our Medical Insurance Department for more details.
GA is one of the oldest insurance companies operating in Kenya specializing in all classes of general and medical insurance. Having its parentage from General Accident UK, it was incorporated as Kenyan Insurance Company in 1979. Enjoying its presence for over 60 years, brand GA has earned its standing as one of the most reputable insurance companies in Kenya.

The company’s premium income has grown manifolds to Kshs 6,043 Million (about USD 60.4M) in 2018 from Kshs 554Million (USD 5.5M) in the year 2006.

GA has a balanced business portfolio with high capacities to underwrite Property, Engineering, Marine, Liability and Aviation insurances. We also underwrite tailor made Medical Insurances.
GA remains sensitive to the society and has chosen Education, Water and Environment as focus area of our Corporate Social Responsibility.

In June 2013, GA launched a new subsidiary company ‘GA Life Assurance Limited’, which is now fully operational for Life Insurance and Retirement Benefit solutions.

For more information on GA Insurance please log on to our website